Lonely But Never Alone

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20b

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Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States

I'm a new wife and young professional who is intrigued by people and in awe of the Creator.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I'm the champion of the Asbury Seminary Intramural game called Spiderweb. When you sign up for the game you get a watergun in your mailbox as well as a card with someone's picture on it. That person becomes your target. Your goal is to find your target and squirt them outdoors while avoiding being caught and squirted by the person who is after you. When you squirt someone they have to hand over their cards and you assume their target. And thus you end up racking up cards throughout the week.

So pretty much I was a creepy stalker this week. I knew where my targets lived and I made that work to my advantage. I even hid behind the bushes across the street from one guy's apartment and waited for him to leave. I knew when and where my targets went to class and I made that work to my advantage. I even knew where some of my targets went to hang out and I used that to my advantage. This included driving to Nicholasville to squirt someone in the Applebee's parking lot. All in all, I ended up with nine cards. I got my vindication for last year when I got squirted within 24 hours of the game starting. This was much more fun than that. But now I am not so sure that being known as the best "creepy stalker" on campus is a good thing. I think I'll have to work over the next few weeks to regain my sweet and innocent reputation in the eyes of some people.

Oh yeah, it doesn't help that I really, really, really want to see the movie Caché. (It's a French stalker movie). hehehe....


Blogger Benjamin said...

It sounds like you really got into the game this year, Jackie. :) Congrats on winning!

10:51 AM  

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